Indigenous knowledge systems encompass what people know about their natural resources and environment in their surroundings. Among others, for small holding farmers the knowledge a…
Professor Shuichi Oyama’s research at the Center for Africa Area Studiesr has been selected for the 31st Konosuke Matsushita EXPO’90 Prize by the Konosuke Matsushita Me…
The President Kusse Gudishe and Vice President Elias Alemu of Jinka University, located in Jinka, Southern Ethnic Regions of Ethiopia, visited Center for African Area Studies of Ky…
From 16th to 19th December, the Center for African Area Studies is going to hold the 4th YAAC (Young Asian Africanist Camp), at Inamori 3rd floor. The YAAC will invite g…
Being the humanitarian catastrophe that considered to be one of the world’s most neglected crises, the Chad basin refugee and IDPs situation has been egregiously overlooked while a…
This presentation focuses on the political economy of health in the diamond mines of South-West Africa, Namibia, under South Africa’s mandate for the League of Nations, with …
Even though the genesis of the pan African idea and movement is traceable to the mid-19th century in the Americas, the cut-off point of my presentation is 1945. After the 4th pan A…
A book to which Dr. Nobuko Yamazaki contributed a paper has been published. Assessing the different kinds of borders between African nations, …
A book edited by Associate Prof. Hidenori Harada, Assistant Prof. Seiji Nakao and others, and written by Associate Prof. Harada, Assistant Prof. Nakao, and Specially Appointed Lect…
“Start-up event of Innovative Africa Channel, Kyoto~ROUND-TABLE TALK on Field Work in Ethiopia” will be held online on Saturday, March 12, 2022 from 5:00 pm. Prof. Abin…